How Many Weeks Is Considered A Weight Loss Plateau?

 In yours and virtually everyone else’s weight loss journey, there'll come a time where your weight just won’t budge regardless of if you’re eating less-than-your-normal calories and frequently exercising. This portion of your transformation is what the fitness world calls a plateau.

But, what percentage weeks is taken into account a weight loss plateau anyway?

There’s really no definite answer here, but if your weight has leveled out for about 4 weeks (1 month), i feel it’s safe to mention that you’ve already hit this dreaded stage. Although, it could last longer than that if you let it.

That being said, there are several ways around it. There also are other signs you'll be careful for aside from what the weighing scale tells you. Also, are plateaus even a nasty thing to start with?

I’m getting to walk you thru all that today but let’s start with the fundamentals so you'll understand the logic and therefore the science behind all of it.

What is a weight loss plateau?

A weight loss plateau is when your metabolism burns roughly an equivalent amount of calories as you ingest after you’ve already adjusted your eating patterns and physical activity to reduce .

For example, let’s say you’re a 25-year old man who’s 5’9″ tall, sedentary as heck, and weighed 200 lbs. The MayoClinic’s calorie calculator says you’d need 2450 calories to take care of that weight.

Now, you opt you would like to reduce . So, you reduce your portions to a complete of 1700 calories per day and visited the gym 3 days every week . hebdomadally , you reduce , you are feeling better, and you look better, too.

But, fast forward to a couple of months into your new lifestyle, and now the weighing scale just shows you an equivalent number over and once again despite having already adjusted your diet and activity level. This right here is that the weight loss plateau.

The question now is:

Why does weight loss plateau happen?

To answer this, first you've got to know the logic behind energy balance.

Per research, energy balance is that the fundamentals governing your weight. Any change in your weight, be it a rise or decrease, results from an imbalance in these energies.

Energy, during this case, refers to calories and balance (or imbalance) refers the ratio between the calories you consume versus the calories you burn.

Specifically for weight loss, you would like to consume fewer calories than you burn. I, and lots of others, know this state of being during a caloric deficit as negative energy balance. Eating less food (I.e. happening a diet), using more calories than usual (e.g. through physical activity), or a mixture of both is how you'll accomplish this state.

With that said, here are 2 reasons weight loss plateaus happen:

1. Our bodies are hard-wired to hunt equilibrium.

Research suggests that bigger people typically burn more calories because they need more weight to support. Therefore, losing that weight also slows down your metabolism resulting in fewer calories burned.

Eventually, your weight loss-induced metabolism slows right down to some extent where you burn roughly an equivalent amount of calories as you eat, leading back to a balance between energies. Thus, putting a stop to weight loss.

2. Your appetite subtly increases without you noticing.

According to a search , this could be a much bigger reason for your plateau because appetite regulation happens below your conscious awareness. So, you would possibly think you’re sticking to your diet but your portions may have gotten bigger instead, albeit so subtly that you simply don’t even notice.

Another research also points out that for each kilo of weight you lose, your appetite also increases by approximately 100 calories/day. Compared to the meager reduction in your metabolism (20-30 calories/day for each kilo lost), that’s quite 3x the difference. These numbers support the claim of appetite being the more dominant factor for plateaus.

When does weight loss plateau happen?

Per research, the dreaded plateau usually happens after 6 months into your weight loss program. But, because it is with virtually everything else, the timing goes to vary for everybody . So, i think it’s better to expect yours to happen anytime within a year.

The same study also suggets that an early weight loss plateau is usually observed more in people who’ve intermittently broke their diet adherance. This further supports the notion of appetite being a greater influence to plateaus.

What are the signs of weight loss plateau?

Besides having your weight loss at a standstill, there are other signs you'll be careful for when you’re at (or nearing) your plateau. To me, these signs are helpful because they also tell me when there’s something in my routine that i want to regulate . Check ’em out:

You feel tired and unmotivated

Over time, you’re getting to build healthy habits which will cause long-term results, and one among those is consistency together with your exercises.

However, once you reach your plateau or maybe if you’re just approaching it, you'll feel too tired and unmotivated to exercise the maximum amount as you sometimes do. you would possibly even find excuses to skip understanding , like “oh, there’s an excessive amount of drama at work today” once you normally would have considered the exercise as therapy.

You become moody as heck

A 2017 study from science & Medicine says that there are strong direct and indirect links between mental and physical health, with physical activity being the most important contributor to the indirect effects.

That may explain why waning motivation and irritability often accompany fitness plateaus.

Speaking from experience, I also believe that body transformations, whether or not they be for weight loss, muscle bulk, or whatever else, they’re all even as mentally taxing as they're physically demanding.

You’re eating more (unhealthy) food

Remember once I said that a change in your appetite is probably going more responsible for your plateau compared to sluggish metabolism?

Right, so attempt to introspect for a touch and find out if you’ve been eating, or a minimum of looking for more food for the past few days.

Truthfully though, there are multiple reasons you crave food and it’s not always because you’re at your weight loss plateau. for instance , a study suggests that cravings result from prior conditioning (e.g. as a gift or from social gatherings).

On the opposite hand, there’s another study that means how deprivation amplifies food cravings. this is often particularly true when you’ve on a reducing diet for months.

For instance, let’s say you wont to treat yourself to cake whenever you had a troublesome day at work. But now that you’re trying to reduce , you deprive yourself of that reward which causes you to crave for it.

Situations like these are often quite common in any weight loss journey and if you regularly end up in it, maybe it’s because you’re nearing your plateau and wish to modify things up.

You’re not getting any stronger

As you reduce , it are often very hard to take care of mass even for knowledgeable lifters. Most of the time, you lose both fat and muscle which puts your strength and mass gains to a halt.

So, if you’ve ever noticed how you’re just not getting any stronger at the gym, and you can’t seem to tear through more reps and sets, take that as another sign of a weight loss plateau.

And now that you simply know what you'll be careful for, here are few weight loss plateau solutions you'll do:

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How to break a weight loss plateau

Move more outside the gym

Breaking through the load loss plateau can happen beyond the confines of the kitchen and therefore the gym (or wherever it's you are doing your exercises). As a matter of fact, i feel there’s significantly more opportunity there.

Think about it: most of the people spend about 1 hour understanding , approximately 1 hour eating (per the Bureau of Labor Statistics), and eight hours sleeping per day. That’s only 10 out of 24 hours. What you are doing with the remainder of the 14 hours can assist you burn more calories and cross the proverbial plateau.

For one, you'll cook your own food rather than buying remove . It’ll mean more effort on your end but it’s healthier, and it burns a touch more calories, too. you'll also ask your colleagues at work rather than sending an email, park further faraway from your destination so you walk more, or take the steps rather than the elevator, among several other things.

Keep a food and activity diary

Speaking from personal experience, i feel achieving a couple of of your goals comes with a way of comfort. That’s an honest thing but sometimes, it are often too good therein you kind of ease off on the accelerator and coast.

Food and activity diaries help keep you on your toes, so to talk , so it’s harder for you to urge complacent. These diaries should contain:

  • Exactly what you’re eating
  • How much of it you’re eating
  • What exercises you probably did , and
  • How long/intense you probably did those exercises.

You could write this stuff down on paper if that’s what you would like , but a more convenient method is to use certain apps on your phone. There’s a surplus of them but what I always recommend is Under Armour’s MyFitnessPal.

It’s free, features a wide selection of foods with their calories and macronutrients at the ready, and an activity tracker so it's virtually everything you would like .

Tweak your calories

Circling back to the principle connecting weight loss and negative energy balance, the straightforward and maybe most blatant solution is to eat fewer calories.

If immediately you’re eating 2000 calories and you’ve stopped seeing results, cut that right down to 1500 kcal and you’re almost bound to lose more weight.

However, don’t go below 1200 kcal as most experts agree that that’s the minimum amount of calories you ought to be consuming to stay healthy.

Switch up your exercises

Cedric X. Bryant of Ace Fitness says that your body adapts to exercise routines within 6-8 weeks. When this happens, your body is slower to reply to an equivalent movements, eventually resulting in the wretched plateau.

Therefore, it’s important to stay your body feeling like it’s constantly being challenged with new tasks to prevent it from settling.

A couple of straightforward ways to try to to this include the following:

Ramp up the intensity

As your workouts get more intense, so does the amount of calories you burn per session. So, if reducing the amount of calories you ingest isn’t an option, ramping up the intensity of your exercises should help put you during a state of negative energy balance.

In the case of weights, you'll either increase the load you’re lifting, your reps, or your sets. Increasing one among these usually takes faraway from the others but as your body is forced to adapt to the tougher stimulus, they ought to all still imitate .

Or, you'll change your exercises or splits entirely. Those work, too. For cardio/aerobic exercises, how you increase the intensity depends on what exercise you’re doing. for instance , climbing uphill is a simple thanks to make walking more intense. With rope skipping, on the opposite hand, you'll learn tricks (e.g. double-unders) to form it tougher .

Exercise longer

Apart from the intensity, the duration of your exercises also plays an element in what proportion calories you burn per session. As seen within the results of 1 research, lengthier and more vigorous exercises trend toward more weight loss.

Also, the minutes you increase your total exercise hours don’t need to get on an equivalent day. If you previously figured out 3x/week, maybe try increasing that to 4-5x this point .

Having said that, exercising longer to interrupt your plateau can only work if you, at the very least, maintain your intensity. Reducing the intensity of your workouts within the name of extending your sessions is just counterintuitive.

Take an opportunity from both your diet and your exercise

Speaking of counterintuitive, this recommendation might sound love it (especially after the previous tips) but it’s really not.

I know I’m speaking for tons of individuals once I say that tons of times, the life-style changes required to urge in better shape are often stressful. This stress can cause you to feel demotivated and fatigued which then contributes to the plateau.

From a medical standpoint, some experts may ask this as adrenal fatigue. Though one research says this isn’t an actual disease, it doesn’t make the symptoms any less real.

So, if you’ve been pushing yourself hard on your workouts and are according to your diet, maybe it’s about time you took an opportunity from it all.

Maybe take it easy for every week , continue vacation, or do whatever else that helps you release all that stress. But once you come , confirm you furthermore may bring a healthier mindset back with you.

Quit dieting and counting your calories

Again, this might seem counterintuitive to the previous tips but hear me out.

Research states that diet-induced weight loss affects your hormones during a way that provides you a bigger appetite. Ultimately, these hormonal and appetite changes favor weight regain and partly explains why an honest majority of dieters regain most, if not all of the load they lose.

I’m not saying calorie restriction doesn’t work though – because it does. What I mean to mention is that it'd not be the simplest long-term solution. One other study even says that without conscious control of your calories (i.e. counting calories), your body will simply find ways to exchange them.

So, if you’ve been battling (and maybe even beating) the plateau over and once again , consider paying more attention to the standard rather than the number of the calories you consume.


The bottom line is that weight loss plateaus happen because your body is sensible enough to regulate to recurrent stimuli. If you gave it a gentle dose of an equivalent amount of calories and therefore the same exact workouts each and each day, you'll eventually end up stuck at a particular weight.

The solution? Give your body something new suits . remember of the signs of an impending plateau and switch things up to stay your body guessing.
