How Do You Care Less About What Others Think


Oh! this is often a toughy! And something that I’ve struggled with for years! 

In fact, I still struggle with this one! 

But over the last several months, I’ve been performing on “letting go!”

Worrying about what people are brooding about , especially when that person is yourself is such a waste! 

And I should know! 

Once my anxiety started kicking and entering junior high school , suddenly what everyone thought of me was my top concern! 

My entire self-worth was placed into the hands of people , not an honest thing!! 

I would have highs and lows based and what I believed people thought of me. 

If i used to be on good terms with the “in” crowd then my life was getting to be okay. 

However, once I was on the outs, and that i found myself on the outs tons , it had been the precise opposite! and that i would spend hours obsessing over what they thought of me and what i assumed I could do to vary their minds. I became a complete mess! 

I lost all sense of self and commenced very depressed. 

And this happened in JUNIOR HIGH! I’m 27 and just learned to abandoning and embrace who i actually am. 

I would become insanely jealous of individuals who appeared to have the entire not caring what people consider me thing! and eventually after accepting my fears and letting go of them so as to embrace life, I’ve decided to not let what people consider me affect me! 

With the exception of individuals whose opinions are literally important! like my spouse , parents, and SUPER close friends! aside from that my opinion of self is all that matters!

Well that and God’s.

With that! Here are my 7 tips for letting go of what people consider you. 


1) It starts amorously 

With loving yourself! It’s my experience that once I over stress about what people believe me, it’s because I’m trying to figure through something. This causes me to be extremely self conscious! 

So where does it start? With loving yourself! deciding how amazing you're and what those people think doesn’t hold a candle to the price that you simply are! 

2) Tons of individuals probably aren’t actually brooding about you

I attempt to remind myself of this when I’m publicly all the time!! 

I’ve been crippled at the shop because I’ve been overwhelmed with the thought of a bunch of individuals watching and brooding about me! such a lot in order that I’ve actually started the car and drove away. 

Just remember though that those people have their own shopping to do! Their own experiences that they’re trying to measure through. Most of them aren't getting to consider about you. 

I mean what percentage people does one head home and believe that you’ve just seen on your shopping outing?

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3) Does it even matter

Alright, let’s say that one weird guy pr that woman over there actually goes home and says something about you…

Does what they believe you matter? If they tried to offer you some kind of advice to somehow change, would you're taking it?

OR would you scoff at them and walk away?

The only opinions that ought to cause you to consider are people who you think about close!

Those that you think that are smart and have your best interest at heart!

4) Preoccupy yourself and head 

Even if you get past the ideas above! It can still be tough going out and thinking that folks are judging you!

When this happens, i prefer to undertake and fill my head. Basically just distract myself. 

I’ll hear a book or call my mom.

Or I attempt to race myself and obtain whatever outing I’m doing LOL 

If I even have to travel to the grocery to grab a couple of things, I attempt to guess how long it’ll take me then beat it! 

It;s a silly thing but our heads often get us into a touch little bit of trouble, especially for us overthinkers!

5) Prefer to forget

For all folks who are stuck within the past and battle with ghosts of the past, ditch em!

You have the power to ditch the past! and everybody in it that's let’s say unsavory. 

For too long, I’ve addressed highschool BS. I’m not even sure why anymore! 

But this has been insanely damaging on my psychological state Until at some point i made a decision that those people don’t interest me anymore! Them or what they consider me.

Since then I’ve decided to ditch them. i would like to awaken at some point and suddenly be reminded of that point in myself and truly be happy that I NEEDED to be reminded!

I don’t want that a part of my life to fill my head anymore! Or take up anymore of my time than it has!

I’m choosing to forget and thus accepting that what people within the past, consider me, doesn’t matter!

6) Specialise in yourself

Do your own thing boo!

Put yourself first and be damned what anyone else thinks. 

Focus on your own goals and dreams, personal growth, family, new chapters whatever!

I promise that when you begin that specialize in yourself and what;s most vital to you, you won’t provides a lick about what anyone else thinks!

7) Be gracious

Have you ever thought that perhaps those people are simply envious of you? 

That these people have a hole in their own lives and therefore the only way that they skills to fill it's by getting a dig at you?

I’ve had several people in my life like this! It kills me! But I’ve learned that offering them grace and easily turning a deaf ear on things is that the neatest thing you'll do! 

Not only will you drive them crazy because they aren’t going to you but you’ll even be saving your heart tons of ache! 

I KNOW THAT IT’S HARD! Believe I know! I’m not perfect at it and that i still let what people consider me, get to me. 


I’m not saying that this is often a 1 stop shop and suddenly you’ll be some kind of confidence machine! 

No. Just no. 

But with practice! every day and putting or whatever will get easier and easier! Remember that! It’s not about being perfect but about progress! 

Now! Drop me a line letting me skills you’ll be ready to use the following pointers to urge back your life! 

For me, i might say #3! If that very same person walked up to me to supply me his/her opinion, I wouldn’t provides a rats butt! Your turn!
