4 Principles To Intentional Living

IS THIS ALL THERE IS? Working for the weekend, have a few kids, then watch their lives flash before my eyes?

I’m so uninterested in seeing my life flash before my eyes with nothing to point out for it! I mean I even have an excellent life!! I don’t want to miss anything! But still the question haunted me, is that this all there is? 

Nah, I refuse to believe that! I simply want more out of my life and there’s nothing wrong thereupon . So now that I’ve established that, what next?? this is often where my research started! Lot’s of Googling and Pinteresting, mostly Pinterest, but that’s where I stumbled upon the phrase intentional living. 

I’ve been hooked since! It’s been about 5 months now and I’ve been honing in and fine tuning what intentional living seems like to me and the way I apply these principles to intentional living to my whole life! 

For me it’s all about having purpose and reason behind why I’m doing something. It means I’m living life more within the moment and with more mindfulness, really absorbing what wonderful things are often experienced while on this Earth.


  • Purposefulness
  • Mindfulness
  • Understanding WHY
  • Living within the present


Purpose, the rationale that something exists. 

I am not talking a few sense of purpose in what I’m doing for a career but in my everyday things, habits, food,. Ect. i prefer knowing that what I’m doing means something. Took me an extended time to work that out but that’s okay. i prefer knowing that whatever I’m doing within the day is in how good on behalf of me . 


3 hours ahead of the TV, everyday? No purpose, probably a stupid show, just to waste time away. 

3 hours reading? Um yes! this is often good for my soul, reading expands my knowledge domain no matter what I’m reading, and wastes time but during a more purposeful way. 

See what I mean?

You’ll need to decide for yourself what's considered purposeful or not. I always ask myself the hows and therefore the whys about just everything lately and that i totally suggest that you simply do the same! It doesn’t hurt to ask yourself questions! 

These are some examples which may help complete the image for you.

Why are you doing *insert whatever*? Is it due to habit? Or because you actually enjoy it? Or it’s somehow getting you closer to your goals. (Let’s be honest, not everything we do is because we would like to. LOL)

Is this helpful to your goals?

What is this *insert whatever* getting to bring you? Is it an honest laugh? A needed break from life’s chaos? 

Could I be doing something different that’ll be more beneficial to my life? 

So everything in my life must have a purpose! From the food that I’m eating, leisurely activities, how I allot the remainder of my time. 

There’s a touch of trial and error that comes with this so don’t get discouraged if it’s harder than it seems.

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Honestly, this really should be the primary point because it’s just like the start line for everything else. you've got to be mindful of basically everything you’re doing when trying to measure an intentional life. 

You have to research all of your current habits and everyday routines to actually decide what's working for you and what’s not. And that’s impossible with being conscious of it which is strictly what being mindful is. 

Being mindful is additionally about being conscious of your surroundings and what’s happening with you. Mind, body, and soul.


This is my favorite part! Since beginning to become more intentional, I’ve really become hooked in to the “whys” in my life. Especially, why am I doing this? This has forced me to become very honest with myself and that i love it! 

I’ve learned such a lot about myself! and that i love that I even have a solution essentially for everything! It’s helped me to become such a lot more confident in what I’m doing because i do know the explanations for why I’m doing *insert whatever thing here*. 

If nothing else, start asking yourself the “whys” in your life! And let me know if you’ve found anything surprising about yourself! 

Fun fact: I’ve learned that I don’t enjoy just having the TV on! Which is so weird because I don’t enjoy sitting in silence generally! If you've got any music, podcast, audiobook suggestions on behalf of me to start out taking note of , leave me a comment! 


Rather self explanatory but my biggest thing about intentional living is that specialize in being more present! 

People, myself included! Always complain that they’re missing out on stuff, always feeling like life is simply zipping by! I complained about it earlier during this post! 

 this is often partly because we’re never within the moment! We’re not living this moment but expecting subsequent “big moment” or scrolling through feeds that portray others living a fuller life than us. Or what appears to be better because let’s remember that social media is that the highlight reel and not everyday life! We don’t always know what’s on the opposite side of the camera.

But anyways, we’re constantly pushing thereto next thing! I’m guilty of it! 

But that’s the purpose , there’s no specialise in our day to day lives! There’s no living within the present. 

And maybe this is often just me but I’m so focused thereon next step in life that even once it gets here there’s almost no way that it can live up to expectations built up in my mind. 


Like that event, regardless of what it's , it just doesn’t satisfy the appeal to measure . So we’re already brooding about what’s getting to be arising next and therefore the cycle just repeats itself. 

This is why being present in our more lifestyle is so crucial! It adds color and flavor to our lives! Because there's always something within the moment to breathe life into, well our lives. As corny as that sounds! Becoming more mindful and appreciating the small things in life are only getting to get amplified by all those bigger moments. 
