Top Productivity Tips To Improve Your Life

In the last few months I even have been listening on how I spend my days. Most of the days they were on autopilot – scrolling through social media for hours then brooding about why the day hours are so short. (It’s actually scary what proportion time social media takes of our lives, it must be changed.)

We sleep in a world where there are tons and plenty of information, and it’s a requirement to require control of your own time and where your attention goes. Otherwise – it'll be stolen.

I can totally relate thereto goodies happen once you set your priorities straight. once you finally become the master of your own life. that's where the straightforward measure as productivity kicks in.

Being productive – it means to form the foremost of your day, and within the end – make the foremost of your life.

Wouldn’t be more wonderful to require your power back, become more productive and motivated and eventually see how your life has changed for the better?

I have come to conclusion that productivity is one among the best elements to satisfy your dreams.

But don’t get me wrong, it’s not about do,do,do then find yourself burned-out , it’s about small step-by-step productive actions that leads you to your desires.

So, here are my top productivity tips to form the foremost of your day!



First, i would like you to write down down good intentions for the day : What’s the foremost important thing you've got to try to to today? What does one want to accomplish today? How does one want to feel at the top of the day? What quite attitude are you getting to bring back everyone today?

Write them down then visualize how you would like your day to seem like. you'll set your intentions before morning meditation, it’s life changing!

This practice goes to point out you a transparent vision of your upcoming day and can create a direction.

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Start with small steps – write down 3 most vital tasks of the day. don't over-fill it, which will only cause you to anxious, stressed and within the end unmotivated due to what proportion you've got to urge done. once you have done those things, you'll see what proportion time you've got left then maybe add another .

Remember, one step at a time!


When you write a blog post – write a blog post.

When you wash your dishes – wash your dishes.

Ditch multitasking, it’s so unproductive actually. It’s better to try to to one thing for 110% than plenty of various things incomplete.

It’s all about this moment, once you allow yourself to be during this exact moment, you're more relaxed and your abilities to try to to something from your heart increases.


This one is large , guys. what percentage times have you ever picked up your phone during your work hours, scrolling through social media then , whops, 1 hours has already went by? That’s why it’s a requirement to disable notifications.

What works on behalf of me is that I put my phone in other room still with disabed notifications. I red somewhere that a smartphone can sap attention even when it’s not getting used , albeit the phone is on silent — or maybe when powered off and tucked away during a purse, briefcase or backpack.

Break the habit of smartphone making you distracted and unproductive.


Reviewing your goals will cause you to motivated. And motivation will lead you to productivity. It goes hand in hand. That’s why review your goals as often as possible for you to remain on target .

You can divide them into two sections – future and short term goals.

What are you able to do a day to satisfy your future goals?

What are you able to do today to satisfy your short term goals?

Stay on track!


To save your precious time throughout the day, prepare everything night before. Your clothes, your workout gear, make time for meal prep. Again – all of which will keep you motivated.

Motivation equals productivity.

Also, make your bed within the morning, wash your tea cup right after you've got enjoyed it – it’s all about small things.

When you do those small things, you save time and you save your nerves from being stressed . You save yourself!


This time by self care I mean MENTAL SELF CARE, PHYSICAL SELF CARE, EMOTIONAL SELF CARE, AND SELF CARE…. AS SELF CARE.. with masks and bubble baths with rose petals.

No excuses! You can’t give and be productive from an empty cup, you've got to fill yourself with peace, relaxation, happiness and joy of life for you to offer it to the planet .

Please, make time for self care. you'll thank me within the end of the day .

How does one stay productive and make the foremost of your day? i might like to know your tips and tricks to form the foremost of your life!
