7 Self Care Full Moon Rituals For Inner Peace

Today i would like to speak about full-of-the-moon – how it affects the creatures on Earth, what we will do to use these powerful energies and the way to require care of ourselves during this magical time.

The Full Moon is usually considered to mark the top of a lunar cycle. there's a stigma going around that in this point there's some intense madness going around.

And that may be a truth.

It is like energies are building, building and building during the month and on full-of-the-moon – they're spreading out like confetti.

Also the Sun is that the furthest from the moon full-of-the-moon , there's no coincidence that the mind and emotions are out of control.

This time stores a lot of magic and mystery. it's also an honest time for releasing the old and letting go of everything that's not serving you.

That is why i would like to share with you my sacred self care full-of-the-moon rituals that I practice during this powerful time. I recently began to work with Moon energies and my life has drastically changed.

Remember that this sacred time is about celebrating, about releasing the negative, toxic energies, folks that don't serve you, low thoughts and habits.

It is a time where we will abandoning of the items that we don’t want in our lives – emotions like anger, jealousy, disappointment, sadness etc.

It’s the time for a way needed inner work. the complete Moon is that the brightest so it can shine a light-weight on our darkness – the deepest parts.

just like The Moon, your greatest magic will are available times of darkness once you haven't any choice but to trust your own power.

Here is my simple yet powerful self care full-of-the-moon ritual for releasing and celebrating.


I usually start my full-of-the-moon ritual with creating a sacred and beautifully made space. i'm a Libra Moon and that i love being surrounded by beautiful and aesthetically pleasing items and tools.

And this point on behalf of me is actually such a celebration.

I create my space with flowers, crystals, candles, i'll even placed on my favourite perfume. Of course, all you would like may be a peaceful space, but I suggest you to form an attempt and make an area that stores magic.


Smudging helps with releasing the old stangant energies and negativity.

Also fire and burning in any shape or form (candles, papers, smudge tools) is suggested on this point , because fire is all about releasing the old.


The Full Moon is great for proccessing like negative emotions, arguments, fears, dramas, upsets – everything that lowers your joy of life.

We have to forgive.

For ourselves.

Holding onto resentment only cause you to feel heavier and leads you to bitterness. I suggest for you to seem up to any situation and person as your teachers on this Earth.

That is how the way to forgive easier. Forgivness is that the atribute of the strong. You forgive other for yourself. full-of-the-moon rituals include forgiveness and releasing resentment.

Move on and accept.

What I do for my self care full-of-the-moon ritual in terms of forgiving people is – I write down a forgiveness list for everybody and everything.

Forgiveness Ceremony During full-of-the-moon 

Think about all the items and other people that upsets you and doesn’t serve you anymore. Take deep breaths and be able to abandoning .

List peoples’ names and what they did to you. also as situations and the way they affected you.

Create an honest feeling between the people and situations. allow them to accompany a smile on your face.

Say : “I forgive you from rock bottom of my heart!”

Burn the paper (Remember to be careful!) and visualize the heaviness burned off your shoulders. This transforms sadness into pure love.


Now that you simply have released the mental energies, i would like you to cleanse your physical being too.

Create a cleansing water bath infused with epsom salts, flowers, herbs. Enjoy the bathtub and visualize yourself beginning cleansed and refreshed.


Gratitude has such high frequencies, after the heavy work, it's nice to pour your heart filled with happiness, joy and love.

Be so grateful for each single little thing. They create your life – people, things, feelings.


Do nothing on today . Surrender. Meditate. Chill around and just be.

Often time the productivity mindset are often very stressful. i do know myself how hard it's to not do anything. It are often very challenging.

There is a sweet balance between action and rest. Know once you got to take a step back and nurture your mind, body, and soul. Take time for you, and provides yourself the eye and care you would like .

This is an ideal time to practice peace. Practice silence.


Moving may be a phenomenal sort of therapy. Move how your body asks you to. Dance. Be wild. Crazy. Moving also can release stagnant energy from your muscles. You pour new, fresh blood while dancing and moving.


I hope that these full-of-the-moon rituals inspired you to figure for your inner world and have a secure sacred time for yourself!
