Emotional Eating- How to Identify and Overcome it

Emotional eating becomes a drag once we dine in response to negative or positive emotions.

Any eating or restricting that's not natural is emotional eating.

Even if you're hardly eating and underweight you're still an emotional eater. most of the people are eating in an emotional way, albeit they aren’t truly eating.

What you're eating and the way you're eating it are things to think about also .

Keep in mind, it isn’t just the extremes of eating like anorexia or obesity that cause problems.

It’s the mentality you build around food and your response from and to eating that pose a problem .

Many folks have an emotional connection to eating that we aren’t even conscious of .

If you've got ever experienced any of the subsequent you'll have an unhealthy relationship with food:
  • Feel more content or safe after grocery shopping
  • Are constantly dieting
  • Obsess over food choices or mistakes
  • Fixate on what proportion you weigh
  • Perfectionism
  • Feel excited to eat a particular food.
  • Eat to alleviate stress or depression
  • Snack tons 
  • Eat when bored
  • Eat as a gift or to celebrate
  • Using food to attach with others
  • Have ever been bullied about your appearance
Emotional eating may be a mindset. a bit like being hooked in to drugs or alcohol you'll be using food to fill a void or resist an emotion you don’t want to feel.

The best thanks to change an emotional eating mindset is to require the subsequent 4 steps

1. Become Aware

I wrote an thorough article on the way to become more self aware here!

Most of the time once you are emotionally eating you aren’t conscious of it.

Begin to note and accept that you simply are quite likely emotionally eating.

Identifying where you're emotionally eating aka eating outside of necessary nutritious meals. Quiz yourself and ask am I hungry? Am I feeling, emotional, excited, bored, sad, lonely, exhausted.

2. Break the emotional eating habit

Emotional eating are some things you are doing to form yourself feel better. it's a tool you're using to comfort yourself.

Just like with any addiction you're using food to avoid handling a seemingly scarier truth than your emotional eating.

To overcome this habit, you want to get to the basis of what's triggering you to emotionally eat. this may be a process. I urge you to be gentle and patient with yourself.

Start with kicking one bad habit before you get obviate another and build from there.

This is called habit building and it’s the approach i exploit with my coaching clients. It’s much more sustainable than a crash diet approach.

3. Make a food plan

The best thanks to stop emotionally eating is to plan out healthy balanced meals beforehand . Then, anything extra you'll check out as possible emotional eating.

Its not until you recognize what truth issue is, that you simply can create an idea to beat or avoid it.

Focus on what's causing the matter and not the symptom, which is overeating.

When you stop emotionally eating to avoid handling your emotions you go from two problems to having one problem.

4. Practice asking your body and mind what they have 

It only takes 30 seconds to see in with yourself. Ask what do I need? Maybe it’s an opportunity , a nap, or confronting something stressful. Maybe you only need a nutritious meal, a smoothie, or some water. If you've got had a meal already, the solution isn't food. 

Try checking in together with your intuition and asking what does my body need right now? believe how regular your bowel movements are or the colour of your pee. Consider what emotions and thoughts you've got running or situations you're browsing .

Really practice checking in emotionally and mentally throughout the day to avoid emotional eating.

Recognize the basis causes for unhealthy eating.
Often feeling out of control in other areas of our lives can trigger emotional eating. this might be during a relationship, work, body image or psychological state .

A lack of control is definitely exerted on what we eat or don’t eat and sometimes people will resort to over or under eating to regain a way of control.

So, remember of your reactions to those emotions cropping up for you.

Its interesting to notice that when we gain control of 1 area of our lives or acquire the perfect body image we desire, we still cant be happy once we reach the perfect situation because we never addressed the basis cause which may be a limiting belief, toxic pattern or a trigger.

What to try to to in situ of emotional eating
  •  ALLOW THE URGES once they COME UP. What happens once you follow a Food Plan and you don’t explode plan, you’re left with the discomfort of your life. You’re left together with your emotions. It’s hard because you’re not using anything external to melt how you are feeling . 
  • Journal about the emotions you're having leading you to emotional eating
  • Drink 16 oz of water, often we misinterpret dehydration for hunger
  • Go for a walk
  • Meditate
  • Affirmations

 The Way To Get Over A Nasty Eating Day:

1) Recognize the error and forgive yourself

2) Get interested by the trigger

3) Create a replacement plan as soon as you realize you've got gotten astray .

4) Hold yourself accountable.

If you struggle with being self-aware then you'll got to appoint someone to assist you hold you accountable.
  • Non-judgmental loved one 
  • A trusted friend
  • A Life coach to stay you accountable and assist you reach your lifestyle and wellness goals
