5 Natural Remedies to Get Over a Cold & FLU FAST! Plus, 3 Vitamin Deficiencies to Look Out For!

 5 Tips to Get Over a Cold & FLU Super Fast!

Covid-19 Update: We are currently within the midst of the Coronavirus global pandemic and I’m here to assist provide you with blog posts associated with self-care tips and therefore the amazing natural remedies we've available to us! once we feel threatened by a looming virus that we can’t necessarily control, we've to specialise in what we will control, by nurturing our body’s system & feeding our body with essential nutrients. Sometimes, a crisis leads us to forming a far better understanding of what our bodies need so as to heal and to function optimally.

I’ll be posting different blog topics that relate to all or any of the above to stay you motivated to require at some point at a time, to the simplest of your ability! I’m here for you all, as we’re beat this together! I’m currently living within the epicenter of where the coronavirus is, in NJ, so believe me once I say, I understand your fears and I’m here to post helpful articles to inspire you to stay moving forward, doing the simplest that we will for ourselves and therefore the people we love! make certain to subscribe my email list in order that you don’t miss any new posts!

Whether you’re a parent with no sick time (yup, there’s no “time off” within the parenting realm 😅) otherwise you have employment that doesn’t offer you paid day off , nobody actually enjoys being sick! So, as someone who suffers from an autoimmune disorder and gets sick fairly often , thanks to a lowered system , I’ve become very adept at deciding tried and true natural remedies for getting obviate a chilly , flu, or virus as fast as possible!

Let’s get right down to it!

1. Oreganol P73 is understood as Nature’s Antibiotic & I dedicated a whole blog post ALL about the advantages of this magical medicine that nature provides. What makes this product stand out from the remainder is that it’s both antifungal, anti-viral, & anti-bacterial, so it does triple duty to wipe out multiple sorts of sickness and chronic conditions, which is why I dedicated a whole post thereto two years ago and recently updated the post! I highly recommend reading that post first and returning here for the remainder of the ideas that employment incredibly well when used together.

2. Yogi Immune Support Tea– staying hydrated, generally , is vital , but I’m assuming you already know that, so let’s take it one step further. Herbal teas do double duty because they serve to hydrate our bodies, while also providing herbal medicine & vital antioxidants to support our immune systems & help filter out our systema respiratorium . My absolute favorite herb tea that packs a significant punch is Yogi’s immune support tea which contains three different sorts of echinacea along side a myriad of other helpful herbs to support the tract , gastrointestinal system , Inflammation, & general healing on multiple levels. I double brew this tea (using two tea bags at a time for an additional strong brew) and drink it as often as I can throughout the day (especially within the beginning stages of a replacement illness). If I’m congested, the herbs during this blend help to right away hack the mucus in my head like nothing else can. It even seems to assist with the aches, pains, and headaches that accompany an illness. 

3. Raw Honey or to step it up a notch if your wallet can afford the added expense, with Manuka Honey, because it packs a good bigger punch at eradicating viruses and unwanted bacteria, while giving our immune systems a lift . I just put a heaping teaspoon in each cup of tea that I drink so my tea is even simpler and is serving multiple purposes all at once! Hydration, immune boosting herbs, & antibacterial/antifungal properties from honey. 

4. Elderberry Syrup–you can either find a DIY recipe online because I can find it in most local convenient stores or pip out online & refill (because, believe me, once you awaken totally under the weather, the last item you would like to try to to is attend the shop to buy for these things)! I also really love this brand because it combines tons of helpful ingredients additionally to Elderberry! for teenagers & picky eaters, this is often the sole American elder Syrup that my 3 year old really likes in gummies or liquid, so I’m really glad to possess found one that he actually likes! Elderberry has been used for hundreds of years for its superb antiviral & antibacterial properties, while giving your system a serious boost. Elderberry are often used as a preventative medicine when taken daily (to keep your system strong to keep off illness) or used more aggressively in higher dosages multiple times each day when you’re currently battling an illness.

5. A top quality multivitamin without fillers like this one, which may be a once daily formula for added convenience. Or, for those that are affected by any chronic condition & are in need of added immune support with extra vitamins to fill multiple needs, I highly, highly recommend this well-rounded multivitamin, which was a complete game changer on behalf of me after years and years of being disappointed by other brands because I didn’t want to take a position during a higher quality vitamin, not believing what an incredible difference it might make. And it really, truly does make a world of difference if you discover yourself constantly getting sick or affected by any sort of chronic illness.

6. employing a top quality multivitamin is actually key to keeping your system working at top performance while also helping your body repel an invasion of a replacement illness. There are a bunch of cheap Multivitamins out there & believe me, it took me over 15 years to understand what a difference it makes when employing a cheap brand that isn’t readily absorbed by the body and is loaded with nasty fillers because the supplement industry is completely unregulated within the USA. A top quality supplement is produced during a way that the body can actually absorb the nutrients that we do desperately need without all the unnecessary fillers that accompany a slew of side effects. Of course, we all hear about added Zinc & vitamin C to assist during a chilly or flu virus, which is true (zinc is best while you’re actually sick, while vitamin C helps to stop a sickness from getting worse or from picking it up altogether). However, if you have already got a well-rounded multivitamin (which is essentially what all those fancy cold busters you discover at the shop are mainly comprised of–vitamins you’d find during a good multivitamin supplement), you’ll end up getting sick much less often.

I was recently reminded of the importance of a daily multivitamin after i ended taking my daily multivitamin because i used to be having issues with common fillers within the cheaper brands, like magnesium stearate, which wreaks havoc on my gastrointestinal system & contributes to headaches on behalf of me . i attempted taking separate vitamins that i assumed would be enough on their own, but clearly, it wasn’t because I aroused being vitamin deficient because my diet has not been ideal and that i have tons of health concerns I’m handling , generally . (even with an outstanding diet, our soil is not any longer nutrient dense thanks to the environmental conditions in our world, which suggests we've to supplement with vitamins). SO, to form an extended story short (because this subject could literally be a blog post all by itself) it makes more sense to spend more on a top quality , all inclusive multivitamin that has all the required vitamins and minerals you'd ideally need on a day to day to stay your system happy and functioning optimally, instead of pocket money on each vitamin you think that could also be helpful for you (that really adds up, as well, more so than the value of the brand i like to recommend and are using & loving). The difference both mentally & physically is downright unbelievable, but true!

Added Bonus!
Key Vitamin Deficiencies to seem Into:

Some key vitamin deficiencies to seem into if you’ve been feeling under the weather more often than usual. These are deficiencies that more and more Americans face across the board, so getting a biopsy to seek out out if you’re deficient or are on the lower end of “normal” are often really helpful. this is often how I acknowledged i used to be severely iron deficient & vitamin D deficient. These vitamins affect us not only physically, but psychologically. we will become irritable, depressed, anxious, chronically tired, & this is often just the tip of the ice-berg!

Iron levels–if your diet is high in processed foods, definitely look further into this one!

Vitamin D–this particular vitamin is incredibly important because it acts more as a hormone in our bodies that helps facilitate the general balance & production of the many other bodily systems that we require so as to be healthy & at our greatest . It’s become a plague in America, with the bulk of usa citizens being deficient during this critical nutrient.

B vitamins–for energy production, focus, & psychological state . If you are feeling such as you can’t stay focused once you normally can or are struggling to remain awake despite getting enough sleep, or are affected by regular headaches, wicked PMS, mood swings, etc.,look into symptoms of B-complex vitamin deficiencies.

Also, many traditional doctors don’t take it seriously when our numbers come on the “low side”, but are still within the “normal” range. for instance , my vitamin D levels hover around 25-30, despite taking vitamin D3 supplements on a day to day and getting regular sun exposure. The “normal” range from the attitude of a standard , western doctor is 30-100 whereas many research studies & functional medicine doctors show how symptoms don’t improve until a person’s levels reach a minimum of 60. I had every single symptom of vitamin D deficiency while i used to be at the low end of “normal” and felt absolutely miserable until i used to be ready to get my number up to around 70 out of 100, which I achieved by taking a top quality multivitamin & probiotics to assist my body actually absorb the vitamin D i used to be taking. My doctor was absolutely no help with any of this and that i realized this through doing my very own research and taking action steps to market my very own health and Wellbeing. Of course, I say this with tons of caution, though, because an excessive amount of vitamin D are often toxic, so you would like to make certain you actually are vitamin D deficient before taking matters into your own hands which you’re also getting regular blood tests to make sure that your levels are within a secure range. Because many vitamin deficiencies overlap when it involves how they’re expressed via symptoms. Although my doctor isn’t always the foremost helpful, he does hear my concerns and provides feedback in helping me achieve the wellness I’m seeking, especially because he knows that i prefer to form educated & informed choices. So, be comfortable together with your doctor, whether he or she may be a traditional, western practitioner or a functional medicine doctor.

Final Takeaway & Thoughts

If you’ve been feeling “under the weather” both mentally & physically, I highly recommend researching the symptoms related to each vitamin deficiency so as to deal with what could also be contributing to your feelings of dis-ease. It’s not normal to constantly feel unwell & we tend to comb these feelings under the rug because we sleep in endless , “go, go, go” society where we leave little or no room for self-care. But, remember, so as to be at our greatest for others and for the planet at large, we've to be ready to be at our best…. and therefore the only way we will do that is that if we feel healthy enough to be productive! Not only productive, but creative… Inspired… And motivated! Believe me, i do know the struggle only too well… i used to be diagnosed with Hypothyroidism at the age of twenty-two , which became full blown Hashimotos Disease by age 30 and it’s been one thing after another ever since, but what this did teach me was the way to take matters into my very own hands & be proactive in achieving wellness. It’s a continuing journey and battle in some ways , but the key's first educating ourselves to illuminate the matter at hand so as to seek out an answer . 

I hope you found this post helpful or inspiring in some way! My goal is to motivate you to stay moving forward, regardless of how miserable or hopeless you'll be feeling immediately . the primary step is knowledge followed by informed action. You’ve got this! Let’s keep our inner fire burning and our immune systems thriving! Support the body that does such a lot for you each and each day! Honor the body you’re in, and take it at some point at a time.
