What is a Vinyasa Flow? Flow Sequence and Benefits

What is a vinyasa flow? briefly , a vinyasa flow may be a set of 4 poses that are executed during a flowing sequence together with your breath. This “flow” is practiced often in between sets of poses or in between standing and floor poses. The sequence consists of Plank, Chaturanga, Upward Facing Dog, and Downward Facing Dog.

Vinyasa Flow Sequence

A vinyasa flow goes as followed:

1 Plank
2 Chaturanga
3 Upward Facing Dog
4 Downward Facing Dog

Each pose is linked through an inhale or an exhale. Below you'll find the complete instructions on the way to do a vinyasa flow.

How to do a vinyasa flow:

Start in Plank together with your hands under your shoulders and your toes pushing into the bottom , your heels are pushing back. Your core should be engaged, and your body is in one line .
Take an inhale and take a Chaturanga on an exhale by shifting the entire body forward and coming onto your tip toes, your shoulders come across your wrists. Hug your elbows in towards your sides and you start to lower down halfway until your elbows are in 90 degree angles.
Without lowering right down to the bottom , push up into Upward Facing Dog on an inhale by rolling onto the tops of your feet, pushing into your hands to lift up through your chest, and rolling your shoulders down and back. Your knees and legs stay lifted and your legs are engaged.
Flip the feet and retuck the toes as you press your hips back and up to return into Downward Facing Dog on an exhale. Spread your fingers wide and push your hands evenly into the bottom , lengthen your chest back in between your arms towards your legs and begin straightening the legs together with your heels sinking towards the bottom .

Benefits of a Vinyasa Flow

A Vinyasa flow may be a powerful sequence with multiple benefits:

Strengthens the core: Performing a Plank and Chaturanga requires, but also develops core stability – the more often you are doing it, the stronger your core gets.

Prepares you for advanced yoga poses: Inversions and arm balances get easier once you practice vinyasas tons because they assist with core, arm and wrist strength.

Strengthens arms and wrists: the mixture of contracting the arm muscles during a Chaturanga and lengthening them in Upward Facing Dog helps build strength and stretch. It also puts weight on the wrists, which could be intense initially , but eventually helps build wrist strength and makes arm balances easier.

Makes the rear stronger and more flexible: Holding a Chaturanga requires back strength and a full Upward Facing Dog is an intense backbend. the mixture of both makes for a versatile , strong back.

Improves posture: a robust core protects the lower back Upward Facing Dog improves shoulder flexibility and Downward Facing Dog lengthens your hamstrings.

Stretches your shoulders, core, legs and back: Upward Facing Dog stretches your legs, core and shoulders while Downward Facing Dog lengthens your hamstrings and back, so a couple of vinyasas can really offer you a full body stretch.

Modifications for a Vinyasa Flow

Correct alignment is crucial during a vinyasa to avoid injury, so don’t compromise it to perform the entire sequence. There are always modifications that assist you build strength but don’t tax your body:

Modifications for Beginners

If you only started practicing yoga, you'll not yet have all the strength required of a vinyasa. Transitioning from Chaturanga to Upward Facing Dog is tough and requires tons of strength, especially after holding a Plank within the middle of a yoga sequence.

Not only that, but Upward Facing Dog requires tons of back flexibility, which can be too intense for a few people just starting out. Luckily, there are many options you'll choose between when it involves modifying your vinyasa flow.

Vinyasa flow modification for beginners:

  • Plank with knees on the bottom 
  • Half Chaturanga (Chaturanga with knees on the ground) OR Knees-Chest-Chin
  • Baby Cobra, Cobra, OR Sphinx
  • Downward Facing Dog OR Child’s Pose

As you'll see, there are many various ways you'll modifying your vinyasa. you'll use any combination of those modifications counting on how you are feeling , and may switch it up as you progress through your sequence.

Listening to your body is so important in yoga and it’s so important we honor ourselves and are honest with once we got to take it easy and even once we feel we might be trying harder. It’s a fine balance that we always should be striving to take care of :).

Modifications for Weak Wrists

If Vinyasa flows tax your wrists, try taking a Vinyasa from Forearm Plank.

Vinyasa modification for weak wrists:

  • Forearm Plank
  • Lower right down to ground
  • Sphinx
  • Dolphin Pose

Start with an equivalent alignment you'd during a Plank but set your forearms down.
Lower your hips to the bottom on an exhale and keep your forearms under your shoulders as your push your chest forwards to return to Sphinx Pose.
From Sphinx Pose, inherit Dolphin Pose by keeping your forearms on the bottom , and pushing your hips up and back as if you’re coming into Downward Dog.

Modifications for Weak Shoulders

If you've got issues together with your shoulders, you are doing not want to be doing a repetitive taxing motion like going from Plank to Chaturanga to Upward Facing Dog. Instead, i might recommend practicing the forearm modification listed above, or maybe just simply holding Plank for a couple of breaths then coming into Downward Facing Dog.

The transition from Plank to Downward Facing Dog may be a good way to strengthen the pectoral arch without putting all the strain of coming into Chaturanga repetitively thereon .

Modifications for Advanced Practitioners
If you’ve been practicing for an extended time, there are not any limits to your Vinyasa, you'll really get creative! It all depends what pose you're coming from.

Advanced variation from Standing Forward Fold:

  • Crow
  • Jump back to Chaturanga
  • Upward Facing Dog
  • Downward Facing Dog

In this situation, rather than coming into Plank from Forward Fold, you'll inherit Crow briefly, where you'll then jump back while coming directly into Chaturanga. i might ONLY recommend this to someone who features a pretty advanced practice, as you'll really injure yourself if you are doing this improperly!

Another way to form a vinyasa flow a touch tougher is by keeping one leg lifted. this is able to vary counting on what pose you're coming from.

Advanced variation from Downward Facing Dog:

  • Three Legged Dog
  • One Legged Plank
  • One Legged Chaturanga
  • One Legged Upward Facing Dog
  • Downward Facing Dog

If you're doing this variation, just confirm you turn to the opposite side next time you undergo a vinyasa to even things out!

If you would like to challenge your core in your vinyasa flow, there are numerous different adjustments you'll make. One simple one would be simply adding during a few movements of crunching your knee in towards your chest before coming into Chaturanga.

Core strengthening vinyasa flow variation:

  • Plank
  • Knee to chest
  • Knee to right tricep
  • Knee to left tricep
  • Chaturanga
  • Upward Facing Dog
  • Downward Facing Dog

How to Build Up Strength for a Vinyasa Flow

There are multiple ways you'll build up strength to practice vinyasa flows: by practicing modified versions, holding the poses individually, and practicing other strengthening poses that focus on an equivalent muscle groups.

Practicing Poses Individually: Using Props for Strength
Holding the poses of the vinyasa sequence individually may be a good way to urge your body acclimated to the poses an dhelp yoiurself build up the neccessary strength to flow through the poses without risking injury.

To do this, props really are available handy. There are numerous alternative ways you'll use props, but if you're trying to focus on strength, it's important to use them in specific ways while practicing the four poses.


Use a strap around your arms: this may help keep your elbows from flailing out and force you to practice proper form, while strengthening your shoulders and arms within the process.

Practice together with your feet against a wall: tons of individuals forget to interact the legs in Plank. Practicing together with your heels up against a wall reminds you to actively push into the wall and have interaction both legs throughout the pose.


Use a strap around your upper arms: If your arms are too weak, they're going to attempt to leave to the edges . The strap will assist you keep them aligned correctly.

Use blocks under your shoulders: If you would like to figure on building your core strength, place a block under each shoulder. this may help support your shoulders so you'll specialise in lowering down while keeping your core engaged.

Use blocks under your hips: On the contrary, if it’s upper body strength you would like to specialise in , place a block or two underneath your hips to stay your core supported, so you'll specialise in lowering down while maintaining proper shoulder and arm alignment.

Upward Facing Dog

Use blocks under both hands: If you lack the strength to assist you lift up into Upward Facing Dog, try placing a block under each hand in Upward Dog for traction. This also allows more room in your spine while coming into the pose.

Downward Facing Dog

Use a strap around your arms: If you've got a problem with upper body strength, practicing the transition from Plank to Downward Dog with a strap around your arms are often extremely beneficial in helping you build up necessary arm and shoulder strength.

Strengthening Yoga Poses to enhance Strength for Your Vinyasa

There are plenty of other poses that focus on the core, shoulders, and back, which are a number of the most muscle groups used when practicing a full vinyasa flow. Here are a couple of you'll practice:

Boat Pose: Practicing Boat may be a good way to strengthen your core to organize yourself for the core strength needed in Plank, Chaturanga and Downward Facing Dog.

Forearm Plank: If you've got difficulty holding Plank, practice Forearm Plank. this is often also an excellent pose to assist you strengthen your shoulders to aide you in safe transitions.

Locust: Locust may be a great pose to assist you target your back so as to assist you retain your chest lifted in poses like Chaturanga and Upward Facing Dog and stop you from collapsing, compromising your spine.
