Top 10 Moves to Lose Your Love Handles – Best Ways to Get Rid of Love Handles

How to lose “love handles”, an issue answered many times with none proven methods. After such a lot research and experiments, we've prepared this half-hour each day workout decide to get obviate those love handles and fat around your lower body.

When it involves the sections of fat on the edges and front of your belly, it’s the first place guys gain it and therefore the last it disappears. And sometimes, albeit you’ve logged hours on cardio and weight lifting, it can feel damn near impossible to urge those little pockets of flab off your body. So, what's the simplest thanks to get obviate love handles?

First thing first, your diet plays an enormous role in your fitness goals, so as to urge obviate those love handles or fat around your lower body, regardless of what percentage hours you spend within the gym, you'll not get any results without a correct diet.

now let's jump right out workout decide to get obviate love handles. (you can do that workout reception or gym).

1. Russian Twist

Set: 4
Reps: 8-12

This exercise hits your lower back directly, this core exercise may be a good workout for the entire abdomen. It engages all the abdomen muscles. The seated Russian twist strengthens the oblique muscles on the edges of the abdomen. a requirement do exercise to stay your lower body in shape.

2. Box Jump

Set: 6
Reps: 8-12

I find this exercise very amazing, it can blast calories and melt fat. once you jump, your body burns 800 to 1,000 calories an hour. confirm to use right size of jumping box to avoid any injury.

3. Running Planks

Set: 4
Reps: 30-50 secs.

This is one among the foremost effective exercise for fat loss, specially from your lower body. to form this exercise simpler , keep the remainder period as less as you'll .

4. Bicycle crunches

Set: 4
Reps: 8-12 

This particular exercise isn't that effective for fat loss, but it’s one among the simplest exercise to urge your lower back and abs in perfect shape. confirm you perform this exercise in right form. you'll perform this exercise reception on a yoga mat.

5. Mountain Climber

Set: 4
Reps: 12-20 

This exercise may be a little hard to perform. one mountaineer won't burn fat, however several mountain climbers done continuously can help burn fat.
In order for your body to start burning fat as an energy source, you’ve need to perform this exercise with maximum intensity. mountaineer may be a very effective exercise for fat loss around your belly and thighs.

6. Running 

Duration: 30-40 Mins. (10 mins incline)

We all know that running helps in fat loss, so as to focus on your lower body, you ought to run at-least 20-30 mins. you'll split it into running, walking and incline running. for instance first 5 minutes normal walk then 10 mins of running.

7. Bridge

Set: 4Reps: 12-15

If you are doing this exercise correctly, you furthermore may will find that it's an honest core stability and strength exercise that targets the abdominal muscles also because the muscles of lower back and hip. Another great exercise to figure on those love handles.

8. Single Arm Dumbbell Row

Set: 4
Reps: 10-15

I love this exercise and it’s one among my favorite exercise for lower back, it helps you to urge obviate all the fat from your lower back. This exercise helps you get that perfect v shape body.

I’m not just talking mass here either once I mention triggering results, I’m talking developing actual cuts and grooves in your back, and therefore the deep channel down the middle .

9. Push-ups

Set: 3
Rep: 8-12

Push ups may be a very old fashioned way of losing fat but it’s the foremost effective one. It’s not just a chest exercise, it also works your core and back.

10. Deadlift


Last but not the least! Deadlift is another great exercise to feature in your workout routine, this exercise uses most of our body parts and is best for fat loss from your lower back.

There you go, do this workout for six weeks and are available back here and share your experience within the comment section below. I believe, if you follow this workout plan, you'll get obviate those love handles.
