6 Habits Of Highly Intelligent People

Have you ever considered what are the prerequisities for an intelligent person?
I myself don’t believe that it are often only measured by many completed tests, for instance , IQ tests, or mathematic problem solving. i feel it's something bigger and deeper. Something more pshycological and spiritual.
Of course, i'm not bragging that those kinda people aren't intelligent, they are, i'm just saying that intelligence are often found in many shapes and forms, not only exact sciences.

We all have an inner intelligence, inner voice that leads us throughout the life. that sort of Highest Intelligence are some things that i like in people that have master that.
Intelligence are often expressed by each folks , because each folks are unique view life. Everyone can bring something different and spectacular to the Worlds’ table.
I remember that in high-school I somehow managed to review bio chemistry, which had just nothing to try to to with my truest self and what I actually love. there have been people that were super educated in chemistry, maths, physics.. and that i was the one who was a dreamer, reader,writer… and may you say that i'm not intelligent? in fact , I am, just in such a special shape.
In that time I felt miserable and such a failure, because I tremendiously didn’t slot in , but throughout the years I even have managed to know what's the important truth of extremely smart people.
And today i would like to share with you the knowledge I even have gathered to form you are feeling good about yourself and remind that intelligence are often found in everyone!

6 Habits Of extremely smart People

 They process their feelings

Being a master of your own feelings and emotions is such a thing to praise. it's something that comes within and with time. Those people that are captains of their emotion ship, they need a free and straightforward life.
Yes, we all are human, and yes – we came here knowing that emotions are going to be a traditional human expierence, but i feel that folks who have mastered to manage their feelings, to figure with them, to release emotions, to ease themselves througout any kinda situations – they're magnificent.
If you're one among them, you recognize that I search to you!

They journal

Journaling is favorite self development tool, because while doing that, you'll see what’s your’s during this lifetime and what's not.
People who journal know themselves well, they know who they're . They manage to explore their own beings.
Also journalling has been referred to as an instrument to use when mind is overfilled with thoughts. Simply writing down things can keep things balanced and eased. Intelligent people know that and not only know, but do!

They stay creative

I have red plenty of personal growth books and there are one common thing altogether of them – it's that each person on this planet may be a creator.
They create in their minds, they create in their realities. And that’s what every one should do. regardless of which kinda creativity is it, as long because it is soul soothing and self developing, you're doing the proper thing.
Creativity is limitless. Remember that. like intelligence is limitless.

They are emphatetical

Empathy is their motive in life. to know and to feel anothers’ feelings is so, so admirable. They aren’t judgemental, because they understand that each person’s life matters, every one has their own perspective and their own actions, and what intelligent people do is that they understand.
It’s impossible to steer in people shoes, therefore the main thing is to face next to them.
I myself am an enormous empath in terms of animals and nature. I actually feel pain once I see that there's violance, slaughter houses, animals who are left on the streets.. I even have even come to conclusion that when Nature feels pain, I can’t breathe as I usually do. When the character is angry, I feel that.
The biggest thing here is to try to to something to assist . Any kinda help matters – for people, for animals, for Nature.
I think that intelligence here starts at the instant once you silence your ego here, once you silence the mind and listen what others has got to say. then take appropriate action.

They hear their bodies

They understand that the body is that the biggest gift they will have. They understand that they're not the body, they're a soul with a person's form.
Listening to what body has got to say is much too important, yet most folks has forgot how that really works. We knew that us kids for instance , ate once we were hungry and stopped once we were full.
To master that as a grown up living during a diet culture – it are often difficult, but it are often done. For yourself, not others.
Listening to body when it’s tired, even once you have plenty of work left to try to to , taking note of body when it screams to prevent , when it tells you to maneuver on, when it knows when it's time to leave… that's what intelligent people master in their a day lives.

They invite discomfort

Just because discomfort means growth.
Which pain is greater – pain of growth or pain of staying in one place, with one mindset for the remainder of your life?
I know we both know the solution .
For myself this year is so transformative and discomfortable, but it means life is changing, life is unpredictable and yet so beautiful, which is what I admit.
I hope that these habits will open your eyes and you'll see how intelligent you really are! We all are!
