5 Things To Let Go Of Today To Simplify Your Life

We talk tons about decluttering our homes and our physical stuff to assist simplify our busy lives. during this post, I’m suggesting another , less obvious, sorts of clutter that get within the way of our look for simplicity. Here are 5 things to abandoning of today to simplify your life.


So much of what we neutralize life is formed by our mindset. How we expect about things largely determines how we feel about them. In my very own life, i do know that how I feel about things successively impacts on whether I do them (and how well I do them) or whether I fail before I’ve even really got started.

For example, I’ve never been to a gym. I wouldn’t skills to use any of the equipment and I’m worried that folks will tease me. i do know this is often an unhelpful attitude, I’m sure people wouldn’t really laugh (and if they did, that says more about them than me) but it’s stopped me from venturing into a gym thus far . I’m performing on it though!

My thoughts are supported fear and insecurity. They clutter my mind in an unhelpful way, holding me back from doing something that basically would be good on behalf of me . are you able to consider an example from your own life?

This post is about 5 things to abandoning of today to simplify your life and they’re mostly to try to to together with your mindset, thoughts and emotions.

I’m not an expert so I’m drawing on my very own experiences here. However, I hope they assist you to seem at things differently – to understand yourself a touch more, allow you more freedom to undertake things, offer you the courage to embrace new experiences and see challenges as opportunities.

Be aware of how you’re thinking and why. Here are some tips and exercises to assist clear your mind of negative clutter and make space for enjoying an easier , freer life. Here are 5 things to abandoning of today to simplify your life.


#1 Comparison

Comparing yourself to others or being envious of others are often such a destructive mindset. Maybe you would like you looked more like somebody else, you were thinner, taller, more popular, you had extra money , more holidays, a far better car, a far better wardrobe.

Comparison is that the thief of joy but also the precursor to discontent and unhealthy striving for the incorrect things.

To give you an example from my very own life, I sometimes wont to worry about how successful my blog would be. I focused on numbers of followers and monthly website traffic and stopped that specialize in why I loved writing and the way I wanted to assist people. I wrote for Google and SEO (search engine optimisation in order that my posts ranked when people looked for them) and stopped writing for my readers, the citizenry who i actually wanted to write down for.

Comparison and envy stifle your spirit and therefore the things that cause you to , you. attempt to leave comparison behind and specialise in your own wonderful uniqueness.

Exercise: Choose 5 things that you’re pleased with yourself for otherwise you like, even love, about yourself. Write them on a post-it note on the fridge, a note on your bedside table or reserve it to your phone. Somewhere you’ll see it often.


#2 Over-control

By this I mean a pre-occupation with trying to regulate aspects of life which just aren’t controllable. Life has its own ups and downs and although some things are often foreseen and planned for, there’s plenty in life that can’t.

People are only one example. we will only control our own thoughts, decisions and actions. people have different motivations, end goals and priorities and trying to regulate them is perhaps impossible and wrong.

Micro-managing not just people, but situations (for example, eating habits, wanting the house to be spotlessly clean) is additionally exhausting and debilitating.

I’m a touch of a control-freak myself but it’s something I’m conscious of and work on a lot! I’m definitely happier nowadays once I accompany the flow and stress less about the items I can’t control.

Exercise: you would possibly wish to read ‘Emotional Agility’ by Susan David. It’s such a stimulating examine the importance of emotional flexibility which the happiest people have found ways to ‘unhook themselves from unhelpful patterns of thought and behaviour’ and just adapt to new situations.

#3 Fear

Fear takes many shapes. Fear of change, fear of the unknown, fear of the longer term , fear of getting it wrong, fear of failing, fear of what people will think, fear of claiming no, fear of missing out. 

Fear is an emotion that arises through perceived danger or threat. 

Fear comes in useful when it encourages you to consider about doing something really dangerous, but fear that holds you back from being you and living your happiest, fullest life, isn’t so useful.

Think if there’s anything you’re scared of . what's the worst that would happen and take simple steps to scale back that fear and do what you are feeling is true for you (as long as it’s safe of course!).

Journal prompt: what's one thing you’re fearful of? is that this fear keeping you safe or is it holding you back in life? If it’s holding you back, what's it holding you back from and what steps are you able to fancy overcome it?


#4 Procrastination

I’m a procrastinator because I’m a perfectionist. If it’s not 100% fantastic then it’s not worth doing. This was the mindset that held me back for therefore long on making some really important decisions. Which university to travel to, which job to travel for, which dress to wear at my wedding, what names to offer my kids, even when to publish a blog post! Over the years, I’ve learnt that done is best than perfect in order that put pay to my procrastination.

Procrastination can take other forms. Making excuses, apportioning blame, maybe even laziness, lethargy or lack of focus. Some people are just more get-up-and-go (motivated) and more decisive than others.

It takes all sorts to form the planet go round and leaping into quick decisions on a whim isn’t always the proper thing to try to to . There are some goodies to be said for delaying a choice . But, generally speaking, procrastination are often a difficult personality trait.

Stop adjourning belongings you really don’t want to try to to . Get them done today and see what proportion lighter you are feeling . Procrastinating just wastes some time , if not your energy. Either plan to catch on done today or don’t roll in the hay in the least .

Exercise: are you able to make an inventory of three things you’ve been aiming to do or got to do but haven’t yet done (for whatever reason). Set a deadline to try to to them over subsequent week or knock them off your list completely. If they’re really so important to you, you’ll probably find how to urge them done.


#5 Unrealistic expectations

Setting standards that are too high, striving to realize things that are just impossible (at least without blood, sweat and tears) or pushing ourselves to constantly achieve, in every sense of the word, is so detrimental to our mental and physical health.

Perfectionism, trying to vary or control others, setting too high standards for yourself and for others and failure to satisfy those standards, plays havoc on our brains and bodies.

It can cause resentment, frustration, anger, tiredness, overwhelm and stress. we will believe unhealthy props like sugar, carbs, caffeine, smoking and alcohol to urge us through.

Instead maybe we should always be addressing the idea for our unrealistic expectations. Perhaps it’s time to hamper a touch , stop chasing and instead tend to our self-care in additional gentle and healthy ways.

When I struggle with this, I always attempt to consider it this way. There’s nothing wrong with being kind and supportive to yourself within the same way you'd be kind and supportive to others.

Exercise: does one set unrealistic expectations for yourself, or others? whenever you are doing , catch yourself. attempt to think differently by accepting and embracing ‘good’. Don’t overreach by going for nice , perfect or 100%. Good is great in itself. Have a ‘good’ day, a ‘good’ meal, a ‘good’ evening out with friends.


I have many posts and resources on decluttering your physical stuff. I hope what I’ve shared here has given you some insight into other ways you'll simplify your life. Did you recognise yourself in any of them?

Thoughts and emotions are complicated things.

I’m never knowledgeable or an expert altogether of the above. Yet these 5 things are what I’ve found to complicate my very own life to a lesser or greater degree over the years.
