If you aren’t quite where you would like to be in life, likelihood is that there’s something hidden within the background that’s holding you back. are you able to guess what it is?
Hint: it's the facility to completely transform your life during a positive (or negative) way – the selection is yours. That’s right my friends, it’s your MINDSET!
Your mindset drips into every area of your life and may completely alter the course of your work, business, psychological state , relationships and life generally .
Which is why I’m digging into my top 8 mindset hacks to shift your perspective and move you closer to the life you’ve always wanted.
They shape your mindset and overall belief system.
So if you've got negative thoughts, your beliefs will follow. And it’s an equivalent for positive thoughts also .
This is why it’s important to observe your thoughts closely, because often times we don’t realize the thoughts we’re thinking on a daily basis.
The more you become a watcher of your thoughts, the more you’ll realize that you simply not only have complete control over them, but that you’re completely break away them.
We get older thinking that thoughts are a neighborhood folks which we've no control over them. As if they only run rampant in our mind. When actually , thoughts are actually just sentences in your head.
This is great news because it means you'll shift your thoughts to support a mindset that brings you closer to the life you would like . you are doing this by practicing new, supportive thoughts until they become new beliefs, new habits, and eventually new results.
This is the magic I also learned from Brooke.
It’s called The CTFAR Model and it goes like this:
Your thoughts create your feelings, which create your actions, which create your results. Your Circumstances are just things that happen in order that they remain neutral.
Thoughts ➡ Feelings ➡ Actions ➡ Results; Circumstances = Neutral
When you understand this universal truth, you'll make your circumstances mean whatever you would like .
By seeing the planet this manner , you’re taking back power over your life. You’re being the driving force of your life rather than the passenger.
There’s numerous affirmations i really like to use on a day to day , but here are a couple of of my favorites:
Maybe she’s a 7 figure business owner, she travels the planet or she’s a famous singer.
Think about her personality, her beliefs, and what decisions she makes to urge the results she wants. Picture in your mind what a traditional day in her life seems like .
Although this image could seem soooo distant immediately , I promise it can become your reality. you'll become the person you’ve always wanted to be.
But, contrary to what you’ve been told, the key to becoming that person isn’t by waiting until you achieve her results then practicing being her.
Instead, you've got to try to to the other . you've got to practice thinking and feeling as your future self now, then you’ll slowly become her.
I like to line out a while every day to imagine my future self and operate from that space, whether it’s in my business or my personal life.
By doing this, I’m naturally aligning myself with my future self and getting closer to becoming her every day .
It reflects beliefs you've got about yourself, and whatever you think eventually becomes the results you've got in your life. this is often why it’s so important to vary your vocabulary to suit your mindset.
Tony Robbin’s book Awaken the enormous Within features a whole list of words you ought to and shouldn’t use. I’d suggest beginning by removing limiting words like “can’t,” “don’t,” “not able,” “never,” etc.
If you think that about the world’s most successful people, does one think they use these words regularly? presumably not. people that are successful are telling themselves “I can and that i will achieve XXX” or “I’m getting to get XXX done today.”
Separate yourself from your thoughts and ask yourself what you’re thinking. Watch your thoughts closely. does one notice a pattern? you'll see some limiting beliefs crop up .
Now change your vocabulary (and self-talk) to support the person you would like to become. Ask yourself powerful questions (see below) that bring you closer to the longer term you would like .
So if you ask it “Why am I always poor?” then your brain will looks for reasons why you’re always poor. But, if you ask “How am i able to make more income?” then your brain will naturally come up with ideas for you to form extra money .
This is magic.
Here are some great questions you'll ask yourself:
Asking yourself questions allows you to dive deeper, past the surface level answers, to those that’ll produce the foremost results.
Basically, if there’s something important that i want to urge done but I’m feeling some resistance, I tell myself that i will be able to get the task done regardless of what.
So, for instance , if i want to write down 15 blog posts during a day or organize my closet, I’ll tell myself that i will be able to catch on done regardless of what.
My parents always tell me that I’m the sort of person where if i would like something badly enough, I’ll do everything in my power to urge it. That’s an equivalent energy I attempt to channel by doing this exercise.
It’s very effective in giving me that boost of motivation to maneuver forward and overcome any setbacks that come my way.
Is there something in your life that you simply want but don’t have? Does your own persona cause you to carry back and not take chances?
This is where creating an friend comes in handy. I’ve been doing this for years and it’s helped me break through numerous mind blocks that were preventing me from progressing in life.
So, lemme break it down for ya’.
To start, believe the person you would like to be that has the results you would like . For me, I’ve always wanted to be that person who wakes up at 5 am and works out. But with my “sleep in til’ noon” habit, this is often difficult.
Well, what you’d do next is create an friend of that ideal person and pretend to be them until you really become them.
For example, I even have alter egos for various areas of my life where my very own ego might hold me back, whether it’s with business or fitness goals. they provide me the liberty to become a far better , bolder version of myself.
By practicing being your friend , you start to adopt their habits and beliefs. And, as I said before, your beliefs will eventually cause your results.
For years I had many beliefs that I didn’t realize were holding me back. But it wasn’t until I did these exercises and worked on my mindset daily that I found the liberty and clarity to maneuver forward in life confidently .
You can do an equivalent , I promise! My advice is to implement these one by one until you are feeling that shift at heart . You’ll know it’s working when you’re thinking more abundant thoughts.
Cheers to new mindsets and new accomplishments! You’ve got this!
Also, before you go, if you’re trying to find more insider recommendations on productivity, time management, forming supportive habits, and every one that private development goodness, confirm to see out my free 7 day e-course – Live your best life!
Hint: it's the facility to completely transform your life during a positive (or negative) way – the selection is yours. That’s right my friends, it’s your MINDSET!
Your mindset drips into every area of your life and may completely alter the course of your work, business, psychological state , relationships and life generally .
Which is why I’m digging into my top 8 mindset hacks to shift your perspective and move you closer to the life you’ve always wanted.
Your thoughts are everything.They shape your mindset and overall belief system.
So if you've got negative thoughts, your beliefs will follow. And it’s an equivalent for positive thoughts also .
This is why it’s important to observe your thoughts closely, because often times we don’t realize the thoughts we’re thinking on a daily basis.
The more you become a watcher of your thoughts, the more you’ll realize that you simply not only have complete control over them, but that you’re completely break away them.
We get older thinking that thoughts are a neighborhood folks which we've no control over them. As if they only run rampant in our mind. When actually , thoughts are actually just sentences in your head.
This is great news because it means you'll shift your thoughts to support a mindset that brings you closer to the life you would like . you are doing this by practicing new, supportive thoughts until they become new beliefs, new habits, and eventually new results.
As I alluded to above, your thoughts create the results you've got in your life. So any result you've got immediately are often traced back to an idea you once had.This is the magic I also learned from Brooke.
It’s called The CTFAR Model and it goes like this:
Your thoughts create your feelings, which create your actions, which create your results. Your Circumstances are just things that happen in order that they remain neutral.
Thoughts ➡ Feelings ➡ Actions ➡ Results; Circumstances = Neutral
When you understand this universal truth, you'll make your circumstances mean whatever you would like .
By seeing the planet this manner , you’re taking back power over your life. You’re being the driving force of your life rather than the passenger.
Affirmations are one among my favorite ways to reprogram your brain. It pops the premise that if you repeat something enough you begin to believe it. I’ve found this to be true in my very own life.There’s numerous affirmations i really like to use on a day to day , but here are a couple of of my favorites:
- I control my life, my life doesn’t control me
- Everything in my life is occurring because it should
- I can do whatever I set my mind to
- I have my very own back regardless of what
- I am worthy (and enough!)
- Life is gorgeous
Imagine the person you’ve always wanted to be.Maybe she’s a 7 figure business owner, she travels the planet or she’s a famous singer.
Think about her personality, her beliefs, and what decisions she makes to urge the results she wants. Picture in your mind what a traditional day in her life seems like .
Although this image could seem soooo distant immediately , I promise it can become your reality. you'll become the person you’ve always wanted to be.
But, contrary to what you’ve been told, the key to becoming that person isn’t by waiting until you achieve her results then practicing being her.
Instead, you've got to try to to the other . you've got to practice thinking and feeling as your future self now, then you’ll slowly become her.
I like to line out a while every day to imagine my future self and operate from that space, whether it’s in my business or my personal life.
By doing this, I’m naturally aligning myself with my future self and getting closer to becoming her every day .
Your self-talk is everything.It reflects beliefs you've got about yourself, and whatever you think eventually becomes the results you've got in your life. this is often why it’s so important to vary your vocabulary to suit your mindset.
Tony Robbin’s book Awaken the enormous Within features a whole list of words you ought to and shouldn’t use. I’d suggest beginning by removing limiting words like “can’t,” “don’t,” “not able,” “never,” etc.
If you think that about the world’s most successful people, does one think they use these words regularly? presumably not. people that are successful are telling themselves “I can and that i will achieve XXX” or “I’m getting to get XXX done today.”
Separate yourself from your thoughts and ask yourself what you’re thinking. Watch your thoughts closely. does one notice a pattern? you'll see some limiting beliefs crop up .
Now change your vocabulary (and self-talk) to support the person you would like to become. Ask yourself powerful questions (see below) that bring you closer to the longer term you would like .
Your brain is sort of a computer. once you ask it questions, by default it’ll come up with a solution . So if you ask it negative questions it’ll come up with negative answers, but if you ask it positive questions, it’ll offer you positive answers.So if you ask it “Why am I always poor?” then your brain will looks for reasons why you’re always poor. But, if you ask “How am i able to make more income?” then your brain will naturally come up with ideas for you to form extra money .
This is magic.
Here are some great questions you'll ask yourself:
- What am i able to do today that’ll move me closer to my goals?
- How am i able to make extra money in my business?
- How do I become the person i would like to be within the future?
- If I were the person I’ve always wanted to be (ex: a six-figure business owner) how would i feel , act and feel? What decisions would I make?
- What do i want to understand so as to succeed in my goals?
- What do I not know yet?
- What would i think if I could believe anything?
- If I couldn’t fail, what would I accomplish?
Asking yourself questions allows you to dive deeper, past the surface level answers, to those that’ll produce the foremost results.
This is a mindset hack i prefer to use whenever I feel unmotivated to tackle my hardest to-do’s.Basically, if there’s something important that i want to urge done but I’m feeling some resistance, I tell myself that i will be able to get the task done regardless of what.
So, for instance , if i want to write down 15 blog posts during a day or organize my closet, I’ll tell myself that i will be able to catch on done regardless of what.
My parents always tell me that I’m the sort of person where if i would like something badly enough, I’ll do everything in my power to urge it. That’s an equivalent energy I attempt to channel by doing this exercise.
It’s very effective in giving me that boost of motivation to maneuver forward and overcome any setbacks that come my way.
This is my favorite hack and one that i exploit the most!Is there something in your life that you simply want but don’t have? Does your own persona cause you to carry back and not take chances?
This is where creating an friend comes in handy. I’ve been doing this for years and it’s helped me break through numerous mind blocks that were preventing me from progressing in life.
So, lemme break it down for ya’.
To start, believe the person you would like to be that has the results you would like . For me, I’ve always wanted to be that person who wakes up at 5 am and works out. But with my “sleep in til’ noon” habit, this is often difficult.
Well, what you’d do next is create an friend of that ideal person and pretend to be them until you really become them.
For example, I even have alter egos for various areas of my life where my very own ego might hold me back, whether it’s with business or fitness goals. they provide me the liberty to become a far better , bolder version of myself.
By practicing being your friend , you start to adopt their habits and beliefs. And, as I said before, your beliefs will eventually cause your results.
If you employ these hacks, they’ll shift your mindset from an area of scarcity to abundance so you'll ditch any limiting beliefs that’re holding you back and truly create the life you’ve dreamed of!For years I had many beliefs that I didn’t realize were holding me back. But it wasn’t until I did these exercises and worked on my mindset daily that I found the liberty and clarity to maneuver forward in life confidently .
You can do an equivalent , I promise! My advice is to implement these one by one until you are feeling that shift at heart . You’ll know it’s working when you’re thinking more abundant thoughts.
Cheers to new mindsets and new accomplishments! You’ve got this!
Also, before you go, if you’re trying to find more insider recommendations on productivity, time management, forming supportive habits, and every one that private development goodness, confirm to see out my free 7 day e-course – Live your best life!
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