10 Weight Loss Tips For Women That Work From My 75-Lbs Weight Loss Transformation

My weight loss journey technically started once I was 14-years-old.

Since then I’ve lost weight, gained weight, lost the load I’ve gained and gained the load I’ve lost.

It’s been a rollercoaster to mention the smallest amount .

Struggling with finding a diet that works, being consistent, being self-disciplined, and knowing what foods actually worked to assist me reduce .

So i'm only too conversant in weight loss challenges and struggles.

Through it all, I’ve lost a complete of 75-lbs with 45 of them lost in 4 months with keto intermittent fasting.

Below are the highest 10 tips I even have for ladies browsing it, that have tried thousand times to reduce , and are trying to find some weight loss wisdom from a veteran.

Tip 1: You don’t need to starve or suffer with cravings while losing weight

When I first started losing weight, I wont to struggle with this success .
I’d try all kinds of diets that either had me starving or gave me cravings so strong that it had been hard on behalf of me to specialise in my work.

The eternal chatter to eat something would be so “loud” that I’d need to eat something to specialise in my work which made it very hard to stay to the diet.

Later, I found that tons of those diets actually didn’t support weight loss, although they said they did in fact , and were counterproductive.

They required restricted calories and low fat, but had foods in them that increased cravings and my appetite. it had been torturous.

When I started eating a diet of real foods, getting enough fat and protein, and limiting my carbs to support weight loss, I started seeing weight loss that didn’t require starving.

I felt well-fed and therefore the cravings weren’t a drag anymore. it had been cool.

This taught me starving and cravings wasn’t a requirement while losing weight. And was actually what made weight loss far more challenging than it already was.

Focus on eating real foods and eating enough real foods. Soon, you won’t got to snack because your appetite will become regulated. You’ll maybe even get to some extent where your body will naturally need less food.

Tip 2: Caloric restriction is far easier on a high fat, low carb diet

When you’re eating a diet high in fat and low in carbs, you’re supporting your body’s aptitude to tap into its own body fat.

If the body is in a position to “eat” from what it's stored, you’ll naturally fall under needing less food. Or if you are doing deliberately restrict your calories, it’ll be MUCH EASIER to try to to so.

A diet high in fat and low in carbs supports easier caloric restriction because you’re training your body to depend less on glucose and more on fat including its own fat.

The standard American diet has our bodies depending more on glucose which makes us hungrier, in need of more food than our bodies can burn, and with increased cravings.

When we attempt to reduce with a low-fat, everything-in-moderation standard American diet approach, we still eat the foods that really increase carbs, cravings, appetite, and glucose in our bodies and makes it hard for us to reduce .

This is what makes caloric restriction super hard to try to to and why many folks hand over . We’re eating a diet that doesn't support how the body loses weight by tapping into fat stores.

We actually make ourselves hungrier on these diets while trying to limit calories. Issa found out sis!

There are other diets like this too. Fat-free, high-fruit, juice fasts and master cleanses also offer you many carbs and implements caloric restriction, but doesn’t support the body’s aptitude to burn fat. Torturing you within the process.

When my body got wont to eating a high fat, low carb diet, I lost 45 pounds effortlessly with keto intermittent fasting. and that i wont to be someone that thought I’d be hungry for the remainder of my life.

I mean, I actually forget to eat sometimes. That’s huge for me!

Tip 3: that specialize in eating all real foods and three meals each day may be a great initiative towards a successful weight loss journey

If you’re just starting out on your weight loss routine and wonder what the heck you ought to be eating, start with all real foods.

Don’t worry about calories, macros, or any of that jazz. Just specialise in eating real foods and limiting your meals to three meals each day .

You might start out needing snacks (of real foods) as you find out how much food you would like to eat to feel satiated, but eventually you’ll get to some extent where you’re eating enough food in each meal to not need snacks.

Once you are feeling yourself wanting to eat less, you'll even incorporate some easy intermittent fasting by not eating within a couple of hours before bed.

To take it up a notch, cut out sweet potatoes, potatoes, and the other starchy vegetable, limit your amount of fruit, and portion nuts and nut butters.
Focus on eating dark leafy greens, low-carb veggies, and getting enough fatty protein.

This is how you'll transition to a true foods diet for weight loss without torturing yourself with sugar withdrawals and caloric restrictions your body isn’t ready for.

When I first started with the paleo diet 6 years ago, I just focused on eating real foods. I didn’t trip about macros or calories. I just ate.

I lost 35 pounds in 3 months. it had been pretty cool to feel so liberated.

Tip 4: Exercising too hard or timely can cause you to too hungry to be consistent on your weight loss routine

We just about know exercising increases appetite right? The more you workout, the hungrier you'll be.

So imagine being fresh on a diet that's a change for your body so causes increased appetite and cravings, then coupling that with exercises that also increase appetite and cravings.

It’s like stacking hungry on top of hungry making it really challenging to stay to your weight loss routine. Challenging in ways in which not even will-power or self-discipline can handle.

Your body is simply too hungry and you’ll fight it into fat loss submission. Often times then not, we lose and find yourself beating ourselves up over our lack of consistency.

In these instances, it’s not you boo, it’s that you’re exercising too hard and, or timely .

Instead, if you’re fresh on a diet, give your body time to regulate thereto diet. provides it about 2 to 4 weeks to withdraw from sugar, get wont to eating real foods, and having a traditional appetite.

Then slowly began to include exercises like light weight lifting and HIIT cardio. Determine if you’re doing a secure amount of exercise for you by keeping note of your appetite.

If your appetite and cravings increase, you’re exercising too hard. If they don’t increase, you’re doing just fine.

Tip 5: Eating an excessive amount of fruit can increase cravings and snacking

I’ve seen numerous people post fruit bowls as their breakfast in Facebook weight loss groups then post about how they’re battling cravings and snacking between meals.

If only I had the courage to inform these people their fruit-bowl breakfasts were highly likely linked to their cravings and snacking habits.

I didn’t know this either until I learned the reality about sugar in fruit and quit eating such a lot fruit.

Fruit has sugar. Some fruit quite others. And if you eat an excessive amount of fruit, you'll increase your cravings and wish to snack.

And truth be told, tons of the fruits we've today are bred to be super sweet and more accessible than our ancient bodies are wont to .

So although fruit is taken into account “healthy,” it isn’t a food our bodies are wont to having at the quantity we’re ready to have them. Our bodies aren’t wont to how sweet these fruits are.

But our bodies still react in ancient ways by wanting more of it just in case we’re unable to seek out more fruit later. It’s an evolutionary reaction to sweets. Our bodies evolved to urge it when it can.

Unfortunately, we keep getting it to the tune of getting full fruit bowls for meals and eating fruits all day. Or having fruit smoothies and juices.

Our fruits also are way sweeter with more carbs in them.

This increases our cravings, appetites, and blood glucose levels.

Limit fruits ESPECIALLY if you’re someone that struggles with strong cravings and feeling hungry “all” the time.

I wont to believe i used to be just naturally a hungrier person who would need to spend my life carrying snacks so I could keep my mood and blood glucose in restraint .

Then I quit eating the maximum amount fruit. Changed the sport forever.

Tip 6: Low fat foods actually increase cravings and increase appetite 

Highly processed, low fat foods are disgusting without the fat so what food manufacturers do to enhance the taste and make it palatable is add sugars which increases carbs.

More sugar and more carbs means increased cravings and increased appetite.

Check it out next time for yourself. Check the quantity of sugar and carbs in low-fat, highly processed foods.

These people think they’re slick, but it's that extra sugar they’ve added for taste which will cause you to fat. Them removing the fat from the food doesn’t help one lick if the sugar content may be a mess.

If you are trying to reduce with low-fat foods, you risk increasing your cravings and appetite and getting entirely an excessive amount of sugar.

Instead, stick with eating full-fat real foods.

And if you're currently trying to reduce with low-fat foods, and are battling cravings and a monstrous appetite, it’s highly likely those low-fat packaged foods working against your efforts.

Save yourself the difficulty and ditch ‘em.

Tip 7: Cheat meals can stall your weight loss progress

Yea, yea, I know. Life can get boring without the occasional pizza or decadent piece of chocolate, but hear me out here.

If you’re battling cravings and are working to manage your appetite, reintroducing foods that cause increased cravings and appetite are often what’s holding you up.

It are often these foods that are making you hungry on your diet during the week and it are often these foods that are making it hard for you to stay to your weight loss routine.
Eating them once every week can make it hard for your body to manage blood glucose . Regulated blood glucose means less cravings and an in restraint appetite.

But if you’re eating a cheat meal that throws your blood glucose into the air once every week , you set your body back at a stage that it must affect the sugars and regulating again.

This only keeps your cravings and appetite high rather than letting your healthy routine do its job of regulating your appetite and cutting cravings.

(That’s if you’re on a true foods diet which will actually eliminate cravings and regulate appetite. If your diet is already a touch funky, that cheat meal just makes it even yuckier.)

If you’re battling cravings and a whacky appetite on your current weight loss routine, and do have a weekly cheat meal, try going 30 days without the cheat meal.

It might change your life.

Cheat meals wont to cause me all kinds of issues during the week. I cut them out and began having the ability to stay to my diet long enough to truly see weight loss.

Tip 8: Alcohol makes weight loss hard

Simply put, alcohol is sugar. Even the low-carb, keto-friendly, diet-friendly drinks.

Through my experience, they are doing trigger increased cravings.

Also, I don’t realize you, but once I drink, i prefer to eat and therefore the last item I’m looking to eat are some things healthy.

I want fries, a sloppy burger with bacon thereon , and a fat slice of something sweet and cakey. Maybe even a chunky milk shake. Oo, or pizza.

And I want them at the worst times. Late within the dark or super early in the morning after the club.

So what I did was cut out the drinking… for now. i'd allow myself wine once I reach my goal, but we’ll see.

My weight came right off and sticking to my diet got much easier without alcohol within the picture.

Tip 9: Implementing a daily mindset alignment practice can greatly improve your consistency and self-discipline thus improve your weight loss results

I recently polled my Instagram followers about their weight loss struggles and most said they struggled with consistency and self-discipline.

I can so relate.

Being self-disciplined enough to be according to my diet is certainly something I’ve found challenging and remains something I work on every morning.

It is a mindset thing. Even with the simplest and most supportive diet, our mindsets do need to be aligned.
You can tell your mindset isn’t aligned if you struggle with inconsistency on your diet and self-discipline.

What I even have done to enhance my consistency and self-discipline is figure on my mindset every morning by journaling my goals, meditating, and reading my list of goals daily. I also script how it’ll feel to realize my weight loss routine.

So far, this method has made me remember my goals in times when I’d be tempted to cheat my diet. I actually say “no” quicker than I can contemplate saying “yes” to something i do know I shouldn’t be eating.

I’ve even skipped popcorn at the films . That’s huge.

Having a routine that changes your mindset are often the main change you would like to stay to your diet.

Tip 10: Keto intermittent fasting has been one among the simplest methods for lasting weight loss

I’ve tried all kinds of diets.

I’ve done low fat, vegan, vegetarian, all raw foods, juice fasts, liver cleanses, master cleanses, metabolic typing diets, eating one grapefruit each day , drinking smoothies all day, green eggs and ham say no to Sam, everything.

Well, it sure does desire everything.

Those diets left me hungry, craving, moody, and was straight up torturous in my opinion. They sucked to stay to which made them hard to stay to.

These are the diets that had me believing i used to be just getting to need to accept being a hungry person needing snacks every few hours to survive and keep my mood in restraint .

Then I found paleo and it helped. Big time.

And once I learned about keto, i made a decision to offer it a try.

That’s when my appetite and cravings changed such a lot that I actually started forgetting to eat sometimes.

Like, I’ve had times where I actually wondered why my stomach was hurting then remembered I hadn’t eaten yet.

That’s nuts for somebody that wont to watch the clock for her next meal because she was super hungry although just eating.

With a changed appetite, I started intermittent fasting naturally. I just didn’t need much food and will only eat once or twice each day .

That weight appeared to come off effortlessly.

For me, keto and intermittent fasting changed the sport success .

It transformed how I eat and the way much food i want .

Liberating to mention the smallest amount .


Tip 1: You don’t need to starve or suffer with cravings to reduce 

Tip 2: Caloric restriction is far easier on a high fat, low carb diet

Tip 3: that specialize in eating all real foods and three meals each day may be a great initiative towards a successful weight loss journey

Tip 4: Exercising too hard or timely can cause you to too hungry to be consistent on your weight loss routine

Tip 5: Eating an excessive amount of fruit can increase cravings and snacking

Tip 6: Low-fat foods actually increase cravings and increase appetite

Tip 7: Cheat meals can stall your weight loss progress

Tip 8: Alcohol makes weight loss hard

Tip 9: Implementing a daily mindset alignment practice can greatly improve your consistency and self-discipline thus improve your weight loss results

Tip 10: Keto intermittent fasting has been one among the simplest methods for lasting weight loss


These are 10 major tips I even have to offer from my very own weight loss transformation.

I first started losing weight once I was 14-years-old and weighing 245 lbs.

Over the last 18 years, I’ve learned such a lot about health, wellness, and weight loss learning about what's healthy eating and the way to form weight loss work.
